The first week of January has flown by, so ive been working hard between my other jobs and duties to put together my plan on make 2019 a more memorable and successful year. Finances first as money makes the world go around , im using the envalope budget method to control mindless spending, so each fortnight i take out a set amount, divide it up for everyday needs and long term or ongoing expense, when i run out in that area, i run out no going to the atm for extra. So far there has been only one deviation from the plan but i paid that back immediately. So far so good.
Ive decided January is a use it up and shop from food storage month so only 40 dollars a week is allowed for fresh goods. We are eating our tomatoes , zucchinies and rhubarb and fresh herbs, we have strawberries and figs rippening too. Whne we return from our holday i plan to plant a late summer vege patch. Its been so hot and more heat to come next week , so waiting a few weeks will hopfully make my vege growing more of a success.
Ive gotten myself a flight plan of sorts to help me manage time better, it also reminds me that i have done more than i sometimes think i do. Last year i didnt get to do much sewing do im going to put a set time to do some each week even if just an hour.
Well thats all for now i must clean and pack for our holiday , we are going south and somewhere much cooler, and having lots of picnics, eating out will be limited to fish n chips at the seaside only.
We have an abundance of tomatoes and zucchini |
My flight plan or to do list. |
Enjoying the seasons |
Working on some new plans for this part of the farden |
Our appollo tomatoes. |
Figs |
Mmm !!!! Homemade gluten free pizza with fresh tomatos.