Happy new year everyone ! Last year is gone and this new one begun and unlike other years i m not making new years resolutions based on my own needs alone, it just never seems to work for me anyway and heaven forbid if you share them with others, i fail even faster.
So after a very non productive but stressful and busy 2013 we as a family have decided to have attainable goals both shared and personal that we will work on together. After all we all want the same things, to have enough time together, time for fun and learning new things, time to do our work well.
So these are a list of our family goals for 2014.
1/. Eat dinner as a family at a set time every night, No TV or Phone or Computer !
2/. Talk about whats happened to us that day, so we know whats happening with each other.
3/.Keeping our Home a sacred and separate place from the outside world, a soft place to retreat.
4/. Pay respect to the importance of each others work and learning and help each other do their best.
5/. Keep a Family planner board in the kitchen and keep it updated and not full.We all need down time.
7/. Try to not say Yes to every request, No is the new Yes.
8/Make time to get out of town every few weekends to enjoy new places and experiences.
9/.Have quality time with extended family every 2-4 weeks.
10/Teach the girls some important life skills ( cooking, managing money, taking care of things better,
repairing rather than tossing out. go camping more and learn how to be more self reliant
Now it's time to go get this year started, Bye for now !
Love these girls so much ! |