Monday, 25 February 2013

Pasta Making

Posted by Olivia
Hi i'm Olivia and i love to spending time with my family and making things, some of my favourite things are learning to sew and knitting and cooking. My best Friend moved away and i am missing her too. On the weekend  we had to help Mum babysit our Niece and Nephew, so Mum thought it would be fun for us to make our own pasta and it was, first we mixed special flour and an egg into a dough , we each had our own mixture and then we kneded it and then we rolled it through the pasta maker a few times and then through the cutter and then we dried it a little then Mum cooked it and it was yummy , but making it was the most fun. Here are some photos of us.
Our little balls of pasta dough

Going through the roller

We all had a go cranking the handle,Seb a real good at it.

looking like pasta


Before and after

Ready to eat

It was yummy, Seb and me Olivia

Me cooling off after a hard days work

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Tummy Bugs and Books

We all have some slow moving tummy bug here, felt a little off for a few days, just put it down to the heat and a busy week, but no we have been dropping like flies except the Michelin Man he puts his immunity to all ills down to his daily intake of German Bier. So i ve had a bit of time to read for once, Just polished off .

Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion |

A great book well worth reading and really gets the point across about today's society and its obsession about cheap cheap clothes,shoes, well really most stuff we buy these days is cheaply and poorly made at the expense of domestic jobs, our enviroment and more than anything our hip pockets. The old saying that the Poor man pays twice is so true, only its more like six times! I just did a big clean up at my place and i had 9 packed bags of clothes the twins had grown out of and of mine that fell to scrap after a few washes and i know most of it will end up in land fill. I have a few items left from the older kids and when you measure the style , quality against what i get the twins its a sad comparison. So i loved this book, i read it in two days in between peppermint tea and sick breaks, so you have no excuse not to read it, it just might save your money, job and your kids future(seriously) and make you dress better.

Posted by Cassandra


Saturday, 16 February 2013

A little about Angelica

 Posted by Angelica
Hi i'm Angelica and i really love fashion, i;ve only just started sewing classes and I ve  learnt a lot. Here is a little about me and what i like.

    1/. I'm seven years old and i ve got three brothers and two sisters, im also a twin.
2/.I like the color blue and i have a best friend named Charlie.
3/I really love spaghetti and banana splits.
4/.My dream is to go to the Sylvanian Families Shop in London and buy everything!!!!!!!
5/. When i grow up i want to be a Teacher.
6/. I also want to write a book on sewing the way i ve been taught as its so easy and fun and really useful.
My Brother Douglas and I
My Sister Olivia (on the left) and I

Here are a few photos of me and my Family.
Bye for now

Welcome!! First post at last!!

Posted by Cassandra
Well i finally got around to our first post on our new blog, something went wrong with the other one and i can no longer access it, life is too short bother. Anyway new blog , new ideas and ways of expressing ourselves.
So I'll start by sharing a few of the things i love  and a little about me, (The other girls will do a similar post soon too!).

Things i love:
The Michelin Man ( My Husband of 30 years, he runs a tyre shop and once did a TV ad dressed as the Michelin Man),  and he is also my best friend and Boss at work,( Yep we are always together,and occasionally at each others throats)..
 My kids, i have five aged 29 years down to 7 year old(twins) and 4 grandchildren aged 3 down to 10 months

Sewing ( my new love) ,knitting ( when i get time ), cooking and canning ( love it), reading,
I love Peonies and would love to have a garden full of them.
And what i really love is anything made really well !If it's worth doing make it as best you can.
Well that's enough from me  for now.
Until next time.