Posted by Cassandra |
Well i finally got around to our first post on our new blog, something went wrong with the other one and i can no longer access it, life is too short bother. Anyway new blog , new ideas and ways of expressing ourselves.
So I'll start by sharing a few of the things i love and a little about me, (The other girls will do a similar post soon too!).
Things i love:
The Michelin Man ( My Husband of 30 years, he runs a tyre shop and once did a TV ad dressed as the Michelin Man), and he is also my best friend and Boss at work,( Yep we are always together,and occasionally at each others throats)..
My kids, i have five aged 29 years down to 7 year old(twins) and 4 grandchildren aged 3 down to 10 months
Sewing ( my new love) ,knitting ( when i get time ), cooking and canning ( love it), reading,
I love Peonies and would love to have a garden full of them.
And what i really love is anything made really well !If it's worth doing make it as best you can.
Well that's enough from me for now.
Until next time.