We all have some slow moving tummy bug here, felt a little off for a few days, just put it down to the heat and a busy week, but no we have been dropping like flies except the Michelin Man he puts his immunity to all ills down to his daily intake of German Bier. So i ve had a bit of time to read for once, Just polished off .

A great book well worth reading and really gets the point across about today's society and its obsession about cheap cheap clothes,shoes, well really most stuff we buy these days is cheaply and poorly made at the expense of domestic jobs, our enviroment and more than anything our hip pockets. The old saying that the Poor man pays twice is so true, only its more like six times! I just did a big clean up at my place and i had 9 packed bags of clothes the twins had grown out of and of mine that fell to scrap after a few washes and i know most of it will end up in land fill. I have a few items left from the older kids and when you measure the style , quality against what i get the twins its a sad comparison. So i loved this book, i read it in two days in between peppermint tea and sick breaks, so you have no excuse not to read it, it just might save your money, job and your kids future(seriously) and make you dress better.
Posted by Cassandra |
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